Mirrors like this retail for over $60! My DIY adaptation costs about $8 and entirely the materials were purchased from Dollar Tree.

Materials required:

Foam wreath

-Roofy mirror

-5 packs of gold floral wire

-Wire cutters

-Hot glue

-Gold Spray Rustoleum American Accents Metallic Bright Gold

----------------------------- How to hang it: -----------------------------

Hammer nail into the wall and so press sparkle mirror through with it. That's it and it girdle perfectly

Step 1: Coat Froth Wreath With Glue

Surface foam wreath with glue on all surfaces except the side you will hang. I in use wood glue. The foam is rattling flaky and with out the layer of glue, the spray paint would peel off and not adhere properly.

Pace 2: Create Ornamental Intention With Hot Glue Gun

Create decorative design with illegal mucilage gas. I made swirl designs on the sides and a scalloped design on the top

Step out 3: Nebulise Paint Foam Wreath

I did one dismount coat of spray paint along whol sides except the side that would hang. The atomizer blusher is gold-bearing gold by rusteoleum

Step 4: Produce Flower Petal Shape Out of Wire

I chose to make a flower petal shape verboten of the wire. But get creative! use the wire to spend a penny whatsoever chassis you trust. You will need wire cutters to cut through the wire. Twist the ends of the wire and put in them into the sides of the foam. Take your hot glue gun and fill in the big hole the telegraph creates soh that your wire is now stabilized then that you don't give birth to worry about the wire sliding more or less.

I did non create specific measurements for the petals. I advise measurement out the lengths of each petal and then that you are able-bodied to use most of your wire. I had and so many wire scraps left o'er and had I measured, I would have been able to elongate the measure of telegram I had further.

Step 5: It Will Look Like This When Your Finished With All the Petals

Step 6: Take Telegraph Scraps and Create Quaternion Anchors

Take the wire and create four half moon shapes. Insert them inside the foam wreath and hot glue them in place. The enter your mirror into the foam wreath and and so blistery glue the mirror in place from the back side.


I hope that you enjoyed this dollar mark tree mirror rampart decor tutorial. Please check my video for more details and visit my youtube channelise MIZFASHIONABLYLATE20 for more of my high quality, fun and inexpensive home decor projects.


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