
how to reset garage door keypad without code

Aside from ensuring the safety of your car, automatic garage doors spare you the discomfort of leaving your vehicle every time you return home. They come with a remote using which you can open/close the garage door from the comfort of your seat. You no longer have to step outside of your car.

However, while the door's remote makes your life comfortable, its code might allow the burglars access to your garage, especially if you haven't changed it for ages. That's why in this article we're going to provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to change garage door code.

Don't you think you can do it? Then check out this video before scrolling down. It will show you that the process of changing garage door code – that we are going to discuss in detail – isn't that difficult. All you have to do is press a few buttons, and your garage door will have a new code in a matter of minutes.

Before You Reset Garage Door Opener Code

The latest garage door openers come with a keypad (that is mounted on the inner side of the door) and a remote (that is in the user's possession). Both the equipment require working batteries to operate. You should make sure that the batteries in both the keypad as well as the remote aren't dead.

Most keypads that come with garage door openers are compatible with a 9V battery. The remotes, meanwhile, have different batteries depending on their model. Only after making sure that the batteries are working should you proceed.

What you'll need for Reprogram Garage Door Opener

Here's a list of all the tools and equipment you'll need:

  • Ladder
  • Screwdriver

Step-by-Step Guide for Resetting Garage Door Opener Code

Follow these steps to change the code of your garage door:

Changing codes on keypad entries

Here are the steps using which you can change the code of a door with a keypad:

Step 1: Access your door's motor

Access your door's motor

Park a ladder directly underneath the door. Climb onto it and reach the motor of your garage door. You'd be able to find the motor on one of two sides of the garage's doorway.

Step 2: Reset the motor

Reset the motor

Once you have located the motor, you might see a 'Reset' button on its control panel. Press this button and keep on pressing until the light beside it goes off.

This will be an indication that your door's memory has been lost and the old code has been wiped out. Take your finger off of the button once the light has gone off.

Step 3: Enter the new code

Enter the new code

Once again, press the 'Reset' button on the motor's control panel. Keep on holding the button down until the light returns to life.

Enter the new code you have selected into the keypad. Upon entering it, you'd notice that the light will start blinking. This is an indication that the motor has accepted your new code.

Afterward, press and hold the button on the motor until the blinking light becomes static. Keep on pressing the button until the light once again goes off.

Step 4: Reprogram the remote

 Reprogram the remote

After you have turned off the motor, steer clear of the door and take the remote in your hand. Press a button on the remote and hold it down.

You'd notice that after a wait of a few seconds, the light on the motor will once again start blinking. This indicates that you have successfully reprogrammed the new code on your remote.

Step 5: Reprogram other remotes (if you have any)

Reprogram other remotes (if you have any)

Most people have multiple remotes for their garage door for multiple family members. It allows everyone to come and go as they please, and without bothering the other.

Provided that is indeed the case in your household, you'd need to reprogram each remote individually using the process mentioned in steps one to four.

Changing codes on non-keypad entries

Here are the steps using which you can change the code of a door that doesn't have a keypad:

Step 1: Remove the remote control's cover

Remove the remote control's cover

If you aren't able to remove it with your bare hands, you can jamb a screwdriver into the area where the cover meets the remote and yank it out by applying little force.

After removing the cover, you'd notice that there are more than a few switches underneath it. You're going to use these switches to change the code.

Step 2: Compare positioning of switches

Compare positioning of switches

After having a detailed glance at the switches, compare their positioning with your pre-existing garage door opener code. This will show you how, for a given code, you must position the switches.

Step 3: Reset the switches

Reset the switches

Assuming that you already have the new code that you want to set in mind, reset the switches to it. This step is extremely easy and won't take more than a few minutes if done right.

Step 4: Access the motor

Access the motor

Park the ladder directly underneath the motor. It should be so positioned that you could access the motor without having to step foot on the last rung of the ladder – as it can jeopardize your safety.

Afterward, remove the motor's cover in much the same way as you remove the cover of the remote. Once opened up, the cover will reveal a series of switches similar to those you saw in the remote.

Final Step: Reposition the switches

Reposition the switches

With extreme caution, reposition the switches in the same way in which you have repositioned them in the remote. The success (or failure) of the entire process depends on this step. So be careful.

Provided you have done the repositioning correctly, the remote and motor will be in sync with the new code. You'll be able to open/close the garage door with it.


Q: Why you might want to change your garage door code?

A: Here are some of the reasons:

  1. You recently had service work done in your home

Have you recently had the whole home painted? Given your garage door's key to the serviceman in the process? Then you have a valid reason to change your code.

We aren't saying that the serviceman might try to break-in one day. All we're trying to point out is that you should be cautious as the safety of your car, and, by extension, that of your home will be at stake if you don't change the code.

  1. You have recently moved into a new home

The first thing that most new homeowners do when they move into their new abodes is to change the garage door codes. And for a good reason too.

As long as it wasn't your relative who was the last resident in the house, you never know anything about the family that vacated the house before you moved in. It's therefore safe that you take no chances and change the code.

  1. Your remote has been stolen

If that is the case, the first thing you should do is to remove the door's connection and close it manually. This won't allow anyone from the outside to open it.

After doing that, get yourself a new remote. It should either be a universal remote (those that work with all garage openers), or it must be specifically made for your door. Then, change the code.

  1. You want to limit access to your garage

Provided you have a disgruntled family member or an ex-boyfriend who had access to the garage door and knew its code before they fell out of favor with you, now is the time to change the code of your garage door openers.

  1. You suspect that your garage door has been hacked

In contrast to what most people believe, some garage doors can be hacked. Experts tell us that some of them can even be hacked by a kids' toy.

Most probably, such garage door openers still use the age-old ''fixed code" system and haven't moved to the latest and (almost) hack-proof "rolling code" system.

Consequently, if you're using an old garage door opener, it's recommended that you don't take any chances with your safety and change its code as soon as possible.

Q: How often should you change your garage door code?

A: As long as your garage door isn't receiving huge amounts of vehicle traffic – in which case you might want to change its code more often, you should change its code at least once every six months.

Q: How much time would it take to change the garage door code?

A: Provided you follow the abovementioned steps, it won't take you more than half an hour to reset the old code and set up a new one.


Summarizing everything we have said thus far, garage door codes are vulnerable to hacking. Sophisticated thieves and burglars have come up with innovative ways using which they copy the code from your remote and use it to open your garage door.

For this very reason, you must change your garage door code frequently. You can use the abovementioned tips to change the code in less than 30 minutes. The process is so straightforward that you need little help. All you have to do is follow the instructions to the letter.

how to reset garage door keypad without code


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